6 Weeks to Timor-Leste

Calling Techies & Homeschoolers!

Clear out your stash! Corded micand CD&DVD's are just what we need!
Classic white Macbooks with DVD/CD drives have been donated, and we need preschool/kindergarten learning games and Bible Stories on CD/DVD.

If you have classic children’s learning games and Bible story software send them in! They are perfect to share with our village children! God's Best❤️
Email: rene@servingourworld.org
In the coming weeeks, we'll be sharing new opportunities to participate in the mission, but you can also GIVE now as we prepare for our return to Timor-Leste.

From new family visits, student home visits, ministry outreaches, the new community center groundbreaking, main classroom renovations, and a new simple home there's much ahead! We covet your prayers and thank you for your faithful support of Serving Our World!

God's Best is always for you❤️
Michael & René Thomforde




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