Emergency Timor-Leste

UPDATE: Emergency Timor-Leste

Emergency Prayers and Relief for Timor-Leste🙏 Dear friends as we celebrate Easter, we have learned that there has been a catastrophic flood in Timor-Leste, and neighboring islands of Indonesia. The flood has impacted the capital city of Timor-Leste where our headquarters, and Director Matthew and his family live. This devastating flood, also comes at a time when COVID-19 is still running rampant in Indonesia, and vaccines were on their way to Timor-Leste.
This is our opportunity to come alongside our family, friends, and neighbors. Let’s be God’s Love in Action to not only be a voice, but to be the hands and feet of Jesus as He has called us to serve others as he has served us. Join us in prayer and action!
If you would like to join us in caring, serving, and rebuilding please give through our website at https://servingourworld.org/give
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